Our next course: A Walk-Through Hebrews. Through this course the students will closely examine the book of Hebrews and what it has to say about our lives today and what Jesus’ current ministry is here on Earth and in Heaven. Click on the link for more information and to register.
Spring Breakaway 25’ is here! March 24th-27th @ PacBibleChurch in Ilwaco Washington. Cost is $99 per youth! Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & night snacks provided! We are all meeting at the Church at 9am! At this camp there will be lots of games, team games, beach trip, arcade trip, laser tag, treasure hunt, game day, free time, food, devotions, worship, and preaching! You are not going to want to miss out on this appointment with the Lord Jesus!

Friday Night Praise & Prayer
Type your new text here.

Harvest Woman’s Conference
Ladies, our Harvest Sisters Meetings are the 3rd Thursday every month @ 6:30pm in the church sanctuary. All women ages youth and up are invited. We will worship our Lord, hear the Word of God from Pastor Kelly and fellowship with each other. Bring a main dish and a side or dessert to share. Come and receive what God has to deposit to you. We love being with you in Father's presence.

Golden Harvesters Meeting & Potluck
We meet every 3rd Sunday right after church service @ 1:30 pm. All who are ages 55 and over, come enjoy a time of Worship, Fellowship and the Word. Bring a favorite dish to share and a dessert, side dish or salad. Contact Kathy or Rick Sohlman for more info.
HCI's Community
Prayer Day
Join us once a month on the 3rd Wednesday of every month we have our 24 hour prayer day. Click the link or the graphic to sign up and get your prayer guides.
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26

Harvest Men's Breakfast
Men's breakfast is the 1st Saturday each month @ 9:00 am, at the church. We will begin with an Outreach Event, taking breakfast to the homeless of Eugene. Let's start the new year being the hands and feet of Jesus.
Water Baptism Sign-up
If you have never been Water Baptized this is your opportunity. The Bible says that all professing Christians should be baptized (Matthew 28:18-20). Whether you've been following Jesus for a long time and never got baptized or are a new Christian, we would be honored to baptize you! You can sign up in the church lobby or click in this link and we will reach out to you with more information. Our next water baptism date is February 16th!
Events Calendar Request
If you desire to have an event here at Harvest Church International please click the link to fill out the Event Request Form completely so we are able to process your event in a timely manor. Please note that by filling out the Event Request Form this does not guarantee approval on your desired date or time.